HELP! I can't find any Antibacterial wipes or anything at the store. Don't panic, Go Retro!

(Well, you aren't going to have to worry about unexpected company through this but you can go retro and use a rag while cleaning)

 I know we are used to the convenience of already prepared wipes or spray bottles that have that magic formula and smell we love. But now is the time to just make sure that things are clean no matter what. I use rags. Old towels cut up instead of paper towels. I use paper towels for spills prior to cleaning up the mess with soap. 

1/4  cup of Bleach per gallon (16 cups)  of water is the ratio you want add a few drops of dish 2 or 3 tops mix and add to a spray bottle and it will kill almost everything you need it to kill.

Can't find Toilet paper...are there disposable flushable wipes left in the toilet paper aisle  or flushable wipes in the baby section? How About Tissues...they can be used instead. 

Paper Towels? Well, as I said above...get out the scissors and your worst towels or dish towels and start cutting them into rags. You can easily have a bleach solution, like above< in a small container on the counter that has these rags soaking in them. After cleaning up, rinse and throw them back in ready to use again. 

At the end of the day, dump the water, throw the towels in the washing machine and start fresh in the morning.
