Great Depression Homemakers Series #3 Sowing for Victory in your own life, grow our own food,


   No longer a war going on with rationing and The Great Depression is history but… our inflation we are living through with prices on food are just as debilitating. This is how people have always put food on their table in tough times and to be more self sufficient NOW. 
In the last 3.5 years iceberg lettuce has gone from 99 cents and head to $1.94!! A 28 oz can of diced Tomatoes have gone from .79 to $1.47. And this is Walmart Store brand. If “they” Reported Inflation numbers on just food alone these reflect a 50% increase. Okay enough of proving the necessity..on to the doing!

    I have a rather large garden this year.. seems to get bigger every year. I started by wanting to plant easy to grow things we eat. #1 for us… Tomatoes. Some years I buy the 6 pack of tomatoes already started you find in the spring at multiple stores. They also have Peppers, squash, cucumbers, sometimes I see lettuce. This is the easiest way to start. 

   The fastest, and easiest way to do this is use a grow bag… you don’t need a rototiller or even a shovel. You buy a bag of soil- good organic preferably, at your local garden store or like Lowe’s or Home Depot. Find a sunny spot to place your bag, Poke numerous holes on one side for drainage. Tip it over and cut X’s in the plastic where you are going to plant your transplant. Take the plant out of the plastic planter and bury the same root part into the dirt in the bag and water it in.  Water it daily and it Will grow and it Will produce food for you. 
  There are numerous YouTube videos concerning growing in grow bags, or by seed etc. even more cost effective but maybe after seeing how easy it is to grow your own food you will be ready to tackle the harder options. 
  Here is a small section of my garden. Summer Squash in the foreground with tomatoes behind 

   Growing more and more of our own food has made a huge difference besides less trips to the grocery store we are saving money!! Plus eating healthy fruits and vegetables. We freeze, can or dehydrate what we can’t eat fresh and save for the season that nothing is growing. Again, this is how people lived for millennia before industry took over food production. 
Well, I need to go get that squash in the freezer. You can reply and ask any questions concerning this and I will answer. 
Have a good day!
Coming Series #4 
Mending, basic sewing to repair things by hand, sewing a ripped seam, replacing a button or reinforcing a loose one. 
