Okay, Sooo... I peeked at the news Today...just Headlines and was sort of astounded that it is very much like it was in the 1950's. I have been reading headlines from the 50's and it is The Same Players and everything. WOW! To think of the 1950's as the Good Old Days...and how we all lived safe and peaceful..."Oh, Now...THOSE were the Days" is neglecting to see the full story. We started the Decade going to war in Korea because North Korea invaded South Korea. Ummmm...North Korea remains a problem as they are doing missile testing and have already lobbed one or two into S.Korea over the last few years. June 1950 was the beginning of the Korean War because N. Korea invaded S. Korea.
In the 1950's Russia was flexing muscle and also had a H-bomb test to prove to the USA that they also had the technology to blow up a whole bunch of people. Yeah, well they also just did a test. And a "spy" Ship was just seen off the East Coast of the USA. Although it has been said that this is pretty normal...other country's ships near our waters as we are near theirs, just seems interesting in timing.
They have flexed their muscle in the Ukraine over recent years, where after WW2 they ignored the Peace agreements of the times and basically took over Eastern Europe. We also saw ship movements by them in the late 50's early 60's which led to the Cuban Missile Crisis.
And the last election was a surprise...nope not even going there... but so was Truman over Dewey...okay so that was 1948 but still Truman was our President in 1950!
Pretty Uncanny if you Ask Me!
With the threat of Nuclear War came the preparedness video Cartoon...Duck and Cover.
Kids were doing drills in schools, just in case we were bombed. I remember having to hide under a desk or go out in the hall and cover my head. So, People were afraid...the Moms and Dads of the day had already lived through the Great Depression and WW2...and now the Korean War, the Beginning of the Cold War and they knew from those experiences...anything was possible. So how did the Moms deal with it? They decided that it was a great way to decorate their homes with Atomic Modern. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? LOL
But, I guess it is better than totally Freaking Out! They still had hope for the future. The GIs were home, getting married, moving out to the suburbs with the new tract housing neighborhoods.
Rosie the Riveter, became Rosie the Homemaker and wife. The Baby Boom was in full swing. Women dressed up for every day...hair done, makeup on and why? Well, I think it is because of Clothing, makeup etc. wasn't something that you could splurge on during the Depression or during the war with the rationing etc. going on. It was a new Life with plenty of Light on the Horizon. In spite of what the News was, people were happy. We are seeing a Renaissance of Women returning home to be wives and mothers and they are doing it in an ingenious way. They are being entrepreneurs at home with Artisan Crafts and Food. They are taking those extra hours that they get from the modern conveniences and using their time wisely and productively. They are dusting off the Lost Arts of Cooking, Sewing and Needlework and putting their own spin on it....AND...the Birth Rate is slightly up for the first time in decades!!! BRAVO!! WELL DONE! I would say...in spite of the Elections...the news etc. Smart people are doing what smart people have always done...They are living with hope...They are making Lemonade out of Lemons...or homemade Jams and Pickles out of Produce that they have also grown themselves!!!
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