
Wow...I bet you didn't see that coming! The Bright side of Homeschooling! #Quarantinelife #homeschooling #homeschool2020

Running out of food? Being Creative with Meals...stretching what you have and kids activities.

#QuarantineLife Calgon Take me Away...Saturday Night at the Movies...Make Sunday Special...Post #5

Isolated yes...alone NO. We are all in this together, Corona bringing out the bad in people but the best too!

#QuarantineLife Food, Encouragement and Kids Activities Post #3

#Quarantinelife What is happening!!!, Food, Homeschooling your kids Post #2

QUARANTINED! What to do about food, entertain the kids...$$ not coming in?

HELP! I can't find any Antibacterial wipes or anything at the store. Don't panic, Go Retro!

Corona Virus is knocking, Prep List for getting ready to stay home! Quarantine! What you should buy.